Physics -
a sight of geodesist

I wish to acquaint you
with my works.

George Nikitin


Bourabai Research Institution Bourabai Research Institution - the AETHER THEORY


Guest book
About me
Gravitational constant
The substance of mass concept
Michelson's mistake
The Value of Hubble constant
A Drift of light in the physical field of the Earth
The inertial optical device
Fine structure constant
Fluctuations of a physical field of the Earth
Substance of gravitation and inertia
8 years old grandson on rest in Crimea
The diagram of approximation of measurings and 2-nd harmonics of the Moon
"AGON" device and experiment in 1980
The Paths of light beams in "AGON"
About coefficient of atmospheric refraction
Drift of light during 109 day

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